Broken Masterpieces

July 02, 2003

P.J. O'Roarke Reviews Hillary's Book

To see the complete review check it our here. There is a golden quote that I must share:

Conservatives, including most of the Founding Fathers, have always worried that the price of a democratic system would be a mediocre nation. But George Washington and William F. Buckley Jr. put together could not have foreseen, in their gloomiest moments, the rise of Clinton-style über-mediocrity--with its soaring commonplaces, its pumped trifling, its platinum-grade triviality. The Alpha-dork husband, the super-twerp wife, and the hyper-wonk vice president--together with all their mega-weenie water carriers, such as vicious pit gerbil George Stephanopoulos and Eastern diamondback rattleworm Sidney Blumenthal--spent eight years trying to make America nothing to brag about.

Alpha-dork? That's funny.

Posted by Tim at July 2, 2003 10:33 AM

Ah, PJ O'Rourke...another intellectual conservative. Of course you've read his brilliant, insightful essays from his National Lampoon days, such as....

all about driving fast while drunk (mature audiences only). Let's figure out here who's the better person...Clinton or Mr. O'Rourke?

With conservatives like PJ, who needs liberal enemies?

Posted by: Kurt at July 2, 2003 07:20 PM