Broken Masterpieces

September 25, 2003

Newsmax - Letter from Tom

Copied from Newsmax:

When Ronald Reagan first ran for Governor of California, the primary was between Reagan, the conservative, and George Christopher, a well-to-do businessman who was branded the moderate.
Back then, as today, the story line was that a conservative could win a Primary Election in California but never the General Election.

And back then, Reagan was sent an open letter by three Republican legislators who asked him to rise above personal ambition, drop out of the race and get behind Christopher for the good of the Party.

Reagan declined. The rest is history. Ronald Reagan proved then as we can prove today, that a conservative Republican can win a statewide California Election.

Did Reagan stay in because of blind personal ambition? I think not!

I believe Ronald Reagan felt it would be wrong to walk away from his principles and from those who believed as he did in those same principles.

And that is exactly the same reason why I am in this race to the end!

Look Tom, this isn't a primary. This is a much different paradigm. If there were a primary I would have voted for you but there isn't. Get the heck out, now! If there were a primary and you lost to Arnold would you support him? I'm sure you would. This is getting really stupid and we'd better get ready to say "Governor BustaMEChA".

Posted by Tim at September 25, 2003 02:34 PM