Broken Masterpieces

October 23, 2003

Fire Tenet NOW!

According to this Washington Post article much blame is being laid on the CIA for pre-war intelligence failures. DUH!!!!! This is the agency let that Wilson hack go to Niger and check out the yellowcake threat. Time to clean house at CIA.

What's Rudy Giuliani doing these days? We need someone with a passion for getting the bad guys.

Posted by Tim at October 23, 2003 08:26 PM

"much blame is being laid on the CIA for pre-war intelligence failures"

Well DUH. The far right was gaining marginal traction when it was only slandering the State Department. It need to diversify its scapegoating so nothing would stick on the commander in chief and those who wanted the war despite the dubious "justifications". Fortunately, people are seeing through the ruse.

Posted by: Brian at November 21, 2003 08:40 AM