Broken Masterpieces

December 04, 2003

Body Armor Shortage?

If this MSNBC article about a shortage of body armor for our soldiers in Iraq is true then something needs to be done now. Due to make lack of trust in the mainstream press I'd like to know if this is a true problem. Somebody let me know and I'll also try and do some digging.

UPDATE: I've been given some more information that this really is a big problem. I know it's been around the news a bit but I want to do more blogging on this topic. I will need to wait until the weekend as I've got a lot on the plate tonight.

Posted by Tim at December 4, 2003 08:04 PM

This story has been circulating for months. In fact, a few million of the 87 bil dollars recently allocated for Iraq is designated for the purchase of ceramic body armor.
Randy Bell OSCM(SW)

Posted by: belloscm at December 4, 2003 08:29 AM

About time. The military brass can have their Star Wars toys but the men risking their asses, er being told to risk their asses, don't have this basic stuff?

Posted by: Brian at December 26, 2003 08:33 PM