Broken Masterpieces

January 14, 2004

Here Comes Dennis Miller on CNBC

The Joke Is on Liberals, Says Dennis Miller, Host of His Own Show Again

Posted by Tim at January 14, 2004 09:59 PM

This show won't last simply because Miller can't spew the obsenities he was able to on HBO. At least he was funny on that show. You always knew he was full of shit and assumed he knew it too. Without the obsenities he's just another pompous, pretentions republican mouthpiece who now spews pretty adjectives in a vain attempt to sound like an intellectual. Dennis Miller is now truly a turncoat whore for Microsoft and the network that censors Super Bowl commercials. By the way, Nice first show guest in Arnold. The way he sucked his dick totally contridicted his opening manifesto. And how cute was it to sandwich a nervous liberal betwwen the right wing assholes on your panel, God Miller is such a smug, full of shot asswipe!

Posted by: Joe at January 26, 2004 07:36 PM

I always thought that he was playing devil's advocate and that he was slightly liberal at heart. Now I know that he's just playing the devil. Republican Dennis? Pull your head out of your @%%.

Posted by: sarah at January 27, 2004 01:22 PM

The first show was pathetic. It hurt to watch.
Naomi Wolf was so brave to allow herself to be surrounded
by that slimy pack of neocons.
Dennis is just desperate and oh so boring with his stupid
pseudo-intellectual rants.
Give it up Dennis.

Posted by: Susan at January 27, 2004 08:04 PM

When Dennis started pouding that crazy Dean button like it was a Skinner box to induce spontaneous orgasm to right wingers, one of his past rants occured to me, the one were he blasted the media for shooting down James Stockdale for being bad on tv...

Later when talking to John McCain, Dennis himself re-hashed this... Jesus Christ, dont you see the contraduction in your own behaviour? Dean was BAD on tv because he wasnt modulating his voice like if he was a consultant trained seal, he wasnt talking to the cameras and it made him look bad.

Dennis has unfortunatly become a star fucker, anything to keep alive in the vast right-wing wave generated post 911. One day Bush is an illiterate moron, the next he's a great world leader... Ouch!

it's spelled NUCLEAR, not NUCULAR. A guy shouldnt be able to lauch them if he cant sound it out!

Good luck!

Posted by: MartinB at February 1, 2004 06:40 PM