Broken Masterpieces

January 16, 2004

Still Short on Proper Body Armor - Politics - Military Misses Armor Deadline for Troops in Iraq

This is still unacceptable. I just can't believe this happens and it needs to be made sure that it never happens again but first, GET THIS FIXED!

Posted by Tim at January 16, 2004 06:30 AM


The Army/DoD explanation for the shortfall is suspect as we've known for about 9 months that the numbers of dismounted troops would be higher than originally planned. The "brass" (and their civilian bosses) hoped for the the best-case scenario and didn't plan (or want to pay) for an alternative course of action.
The USMC, on the other hand, started buying the SAPI / Interceptor armor over a year ago. All of their people in Iraq have this protection.
When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Posted by: randy bell at January 16, 2004 12:54 PM