Broken Masterpieces

February 04, 2004

Why Are We Sending These People Back?

MSNBC - Cubans sailing vintage car caught off Florida

Everytime I read one of these stories it's our Coast Guard that is catching them and returning them to Castro. How can our country be authorizing this? We need to not return anyone to a country like Castro's Cuba unless they willingly want to go back.

Posted by Tim at February 4, 2004 09:45 PM

Can't wait to hear how this is the fault of us liberals or Clinton.

Come on conservatives, why is President Bush mercilessly sending these refugees back?

I'm with trogers on this one..

Posted by: JoeV at February 4, 2004 10:16 PM

Ummmmm....because it's the LAW? Or is that too difficult to understand. I'm all up for questioning and debating law, but until (if ever) the law changes, would it not be a novel idea to actually ENFORCE THE LAW?

Posted by: Jim G. at February 6, 2004 09:46 AM