Broken Masterpieces

February 06, 2004

KMC - Why "Marriage" Instead of "Civil Unions"

WorldNetDaily: States to Massachusetts court: We don't think so!

Kevin McCullough brings some valuable insight on why legal "marriage" is the goal for homosexual couples. His points about guilt and acceptance are right on. It's an excellent article and one that should make you think.

I think the one issue that will need to be addressed though is the issue of "born gay". If they are able to convince the public they are born that way then the battle could become tougher to win for the believers in traditional marriage. Now is the time to pass a constitutional amendment that defines marriage as between one man and one woman.

At the same time this cannot be an issue where conservative Christians turn ugly. We must approach this issue with love and compassion while at the same time not compromising our values. I'm still trying out how to approach this issue myself. The issue of what marriage is represents a big part of what America is and will be. It's not a theocracy issue but is something society will need to make a decision on real soon. Hearts and minds need to be won by quality reasoning.

Posted by Tim at February 6, 2004 05:56 AM

The "lesbian until graduation" phenomenon ( and the "heteroflexible" phenomenon ( are putting the lie to the said-a-million-times-idea that people are born gay. But people don't think about this logically. They think about from the viewpoint of how they can spin it to win an argument.

Posted by: Douglas at February 7, 2004 08:56 PM