Broken Masterpieces

February 09, 2004

Christianity Divided

Tip to Real Clear Politics.

Forum: Across the great Christian divide

This is a real interesting article. I think the two sides Rev. Standish is talking about both have their flaws. I think the ones on the left want government to do too much in terms of helping the less fortunate (instead it should be the church) while the right wants the government to do too much in terms of morality (we need to change hearts first). Both sides make a lot of great points. I see the left getting so concerned about social justice that the gospel is forgotten and the importance of the Bible is lowered and picked apart so nobody knows what even matters anymore. From the right the Bible is used for judgement and being "darn right". As Christians we need to help others, be true to evangalism, be merciful and quit "majoring in the minors". Unity around the essentials of Christ (His nature, birth, life, death and resurrection) are the only thing that can help heal the church that Jesus loves so much.

Posted by Tim at February 9, 2004 09:31 AM