Broken Masterpieces

February 17, 2004

Mel Gibson Is A Moron....

..... at least that's what the expression that Diane Sawyer's face said last night in her interview. She just seemed shocked that anyone can take the Gospels seriously. This is a classic example of how so many within the media elite are out of touch with a lot of Americans. Many Americans do take faith seriously and it just seems the mainstream media elite don't, in general.

The Broken-Wife and myself enjoyed watching Gibson a lot. He's transparent, faithful and is doing his best to fulfill God's will in his life. How refreshing.

Posted by Tim at February 17, 2004 07:03 AM

I too enjoyed Mel Gibson's interview. I managed to catch only about 20 min of it (I don't know how much there was, in all) but what I did see, I liked. He seemed very down to earth and truthful in his answers, and seemed honestly dedicated to living according to his faith. And Diane did seem somewhat bewildered by that. It was an interesting thing to watch.

Posted by: matt at February 17, 2004 07:14 AM

The media love to knock down the hubris of people they don't agree with, but they don't know what to do against humility

Posted by: Douglas at February 17, 2004 01:57 PM

I too enjoyed the interview, but it did seem that Mel was defensive and not offensive, and only turned around towards the end.

In the Son

Posted by: eddie at February 23, 2004 01:17 AM