Broken Masterpieces

April 08, 2004

Richard Ben-Veniste - 9/11 Commish Member and Partisan Hack

Power Line: Live-Blogging Rice's Testimony

Richard Ben-Veniste is the type of person that makes this 9/11 commission a big joke. Too bad he didn't go after Richard Clarke like that. Follow the link above on continued blogging of today's hearings.

UPDATE: PowerLine seems to be quite disappointed that Rice is not going after Clarke and the Clinton Administration. I'm actually kind of glad she took the high road while Clarke too the low road. It truly shows what type of people they are and the administrations they defended. The Bush Administration has so much on the Clinton Administration but what does it profit anyone to go hard after them. This is a different tone from Clinton. Again, it shows what type of people they are.

Posted by Tim at April 8, 2004 07:12 AM

Right on!

Posted by: Don Carlson at April 13, 2004 07:24 AM

mr. ben-veniste suffers from diarrhea of the mouth, his time is spent posturing and not asking a clear question.

Posted by: stanley horab at April 13, 2004 02:57 PM

Hugh Hewitt on the Ben-Veniste scandal (as of 4/15/04):

Posted by: Sergio at April 15, 2004 11:36 AM

To all the members of the 9/11 Commission:

Stop that shameful Commission, and concentrate on the job of protecting this country in the future. Stop your damned and detestable “September 11 Commission hearings” …..what you are doing is harmful and immoral to our country.
No more bickering and finger pointing please, our priorities should be to get on with the war and take the battle to America's enemies, ….all of us, together! No more defeats like Vietnam please! This is not a country of “loosers”! Why, do you insist in slapping us with another defeat again ?
What you are doing, is to encourage our enemies in this battle between good and evil.
If you want to see yourselves on television, I suggest you clowns apply for American Idol , or Jeopardy, you will get a lot of free exposure and you will not be doing this great harm you are now doing to our country, by encouraging Bin Laden and his gang.


Luis Lazo
Miami, Fl.

Posted by: Luis Lazo at April 17, 2004 10:14 AM