Broken Masterpieces

May 23, 2004

Blogger Quiz

1. Which political party do you typically agree with? Republican

2. Which political party do you typically vote for? Republican

3. List the last five presidents that you voted for? 43, Dole, 41, 41, Reagan

4. Which party do you think is smarter about the economy? Republicans in idealogy but I just wished they'd practice what they preach, especially on spending.

5. Which party do you think is smarter about domestic affairs? Republican

6. Do you think we should keep our troops in Iraq or pull them out? Get them out as soon as Iraq can handle themselves without the Islamic Fundies and terrorists taking over.

7. Who, or what country, do you think is most responsible for 9/11? Al Qaeda and the nations that harbored them.

8. Do you think we will find weapons of mass destruction in iraq? We've found small amounts already. We'll find more or we'll find some type of paper trail to Syria or Iran

9. Yes or no, should the u.s. legalize marijuana? No

10. Do you think the republicans stole the last presidental election? No

11. Do you think bill clinton should have been impeached because of what he did with monica lewinski? He should have been impeached because of his lying under oath but should have resigned because of his affair with that woman, Miss Lewinski

12. Do you think hillary clinton would make a good president? Heck no

13. Name a current democrat who would make a great president: Joe Lieberman, Evan Bayh

14. Name a current republican who would make a great president: Other than 43, Arnold (if he could run)

15. Do you think that women should have the right to have an abortion? No

16. What religion are you? Christian

17. Have you read the Bible all the way through? Yes

18. What's your favorite book? Other than the Bible, Christ Before The Manger by Ron Rhodes

19. Who is your favorite band? Switchfoot

20. Who do you think you'll vote for president in the next election? W

21. What website did you see this on first? QandO

Posted by Tim at May 23, 2004 09:19 PM

What a coincidence, I would list that as my favorite book also.

Posted by: sue rogers at May 23, 2004 09:32 PM

Why wasn't there a question about what woman you would vote for president? What is your answer?

Posted by: sue rogers at May 23, 2004 09:35 PM

Condi Rice for now. I'd like someone who's less of an acedamia type. Maybe my mom :).

Posted by: trogers at May 23, 2004 09:54 PM

If sue rogers gets to add a question about voting for a woman presidential candidate, then I want to rewrite #8 to be a little more pertinent (IMHLDO "In my humble liberal Dem opinion" ). Rather than, "Do you think we will find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?" I think it should be, "Do you think we will find stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons, and evidence that Saddam was rebuilding the facilities used to make more of those weapons, in the way President Bush justified the Iraq invasion?"

Posted by: Tom at May 24, 2004 12:54 PM

If sue rogers gets to add a question about voting for a woman presidential candidate, then I want to rewrite #8 to be a little more pertinent (IMHLDO "In my humble liberal Dem opinion" ). Rather than, "Do you think we will find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?" I think it should be, "Do you think we will find stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons, and evidence that Saddam was rebuilding the facilities used to make more of those weapons, in the way President Bush justified the Iraq invasion?"

Posted by: Tom at May 24, 2004 12:56 PM

In regards to a good Democrat for president: Try Zell Miller from Georgia. Here's one dem that doesn't have his head in the same beer trough as Kennedy and Jackson.

Posted by: plainjane1820 at June 14, 2004 08:35 AM

Condi Rice has an Exxon Tanker named after her. I'd be interested to know what weapons of mass destruction you think we found in Iraq. I must have missed that big news event. Every time Bush comes out to say we found WMD it turns out to be a lie. If anyone should be impeached it should be him because every other word out of this administration is a lie. They are blatant about it, too. I would be ashamed to be a republican these days. By the way, take some real online quizzes about the Bush administration at

Posted by: rockon at June 19, 2004 06:38 AM