Broken Masterpieces

June 26, 2004

Labash on Moore's "Documentary"

Un-Moored from Reality

In reading Matt Labash's (he was against the Iraq war) review of Michael Moore's "documentary" it came to me that if Moore wanted to make a documentary he'd have shown more than just one point of view. It's not a documentary but sound just like a propaganda film. This is one film that won't get anymore of my time, energy and will never get my money.

Posted by Tim at June 26, 2004 07:35 AM

Many bloggers I read are suffering from Moore fatigue. But this guy simply cannot be allowed to go unanswered, unconfronted, unrefuted. I propose that everytime Moore pops off, we respond by some patriotic act.

Posted by: Douglas at June 28, 2004 03:13 PM