Broken Masterpieces

August 09, 2004

Kerry, Vietnam, and the Current "Fun"

~Neophyte Pundit~: John Kerry and Cambodia

As there is this current swirl about Kerry and whether he was in Cambodia on Christmas Eve in 1968. Does it fall in the category of Kerry's integrity? It sure does. In the end though, it will not matter. The mainstream press will not follow it in a manner of integrity but will find a way to turn it into blaming the Republicans. In the end, Vietnam is not a winner for President Bush and unless it was truly proven that everything about Kerry in Vietnam is proven to be a lie, then it is a loser for President Bush. This is not a winner and, with the current media bias, not an issue that will matter. Clinton's adultry and draft-dodging didn't matter so why would this?

This election will be about whether President Bush will be retained or fired by the American public. Kerry is running his election in this mode and if President Bush and his supporters can't make a case for re-election then he will lose.

Let's focus on the war on terror and the economic issues and make the case for Bush.

Posted by Tim at August 9, 2004 08:39 PM

The mainstream press is quite jaded, slanting to the left. Why do I say this? It's because it's kinda fun to say, and allows us to blame them whenever they tell us something we don't want to hear. If we say it often enough, it must be true (sorta like the WMD in Iraq). I wish we could just take over all media outlets and structure the news to our liking. That would be so much more 'unbiased'. And of course, it's ALWAYS Clinton's fault- he is the devil and is to blame for the lack of WMD in Iraq. Oh I forgot to add, Clinton always admired Hitler, and in fact, prayed to Hitler quite often.

Posted by: asshat at August 9, 2004 11:50 PM