Broken Masterpieces

August 12, 2004

Motives & Money

The motives of the Swift Boat Veternas for Truth has been questioned (that's about the only mention the mainstream press gives) and it should be. What about the "band of brothers" Kerry uses to exploit his Vietnam service? How much do those gentlemen get paid? What's in it for them? If the motives of about 250 Vietnam vets that consider Kerry unfit for command what about the 8-10 guys that support him? I think it's only fair to ask this question. The mainstream press has given Kerry a pass even though Kerry's main campaign thrust is his service in Vietnam.

Again, I'd prefer this issue to go away but since it won't I do expect fairness. Bush released his military records and so should Kerry. The anti-Kerry vets are getting vetted but what about the pro-Kerry vets? I want this issue off of the table, ASAP, but it won't happen.

The real question, who will do the best job of keeping America safe?

Posted by Tim at August 12, 2004 06:24 AM