Broken Masterpieces

August 16, 2004

Coulter Strikes - Media and DNC Hypocrisy on Swiftboat Vets

In typical fashion (and not in ways I always approve of) Ann Coulter holds lots people accountable in the whole Kerry/Swiftboat Vets controversy. The complete article is here. Here are some of the nuggets:

Kerry is demanding to be made president on the basis of spending four months in Vietnam 35 years ago. And yet the men who know what he did during those four months don't think he's fit to be dogcatcher. That seems newsworthy to me, but I must be wrong since the media have engineered a total blackout of the Swift Boat Veterans.

If the 254 veterans against Kerry got one-tenth as much media coverage for calling Kerry a liar as Clown Joe Wilson did for calling Bush a liar, the veterans wouldn't need to buy ad time to get their message out. (Wilson, you'll recall, was a media darling for six or seven months before being exposed as a fantasist by Senate investigators.)

With their commitment to free speech and a robust exchange of ideas (i.e., "child pornography" and "sedition"), the Democratic National Committee (news - web sites) is threatening to sue TV stations that run the Swift Boat Veterans' paid ads. Sue? Can you tell already that there are two lawyers at the top of the Democratic ticket? These are the same people who accuse John Ashcroft (news - web sites) of shredding the Bill of Rights. WHY ISN'T THE PRESS COVERING THIS??? Wait, now I remember. OK, never mind. (To contribute to the Swift Boat Veterans go here:

Ann makes some great points in pointing out the absolute hypocrisy and inconsistencies of the media and the DNC. This is a story that doesn't seem to be going away. Kerry should just authorize the release of all his military records and this should go away. If he has been exagerating then it will damage him a lot. Remember Al Gore?

Posted by Tim at August 16, 2004 05:48 PM

Ann Coulter is probably the most hate-filled, ignorant racist this country has produced in the last 50 years.

Posted by: drew at August 17, 2004 11:30 AM

You do mean besides Michael Moore, don't you?

And, yes - I do mean 'racist.' It's one of the major failings I see of the liberals who have taken over the Democratic Party. Why do I say racist? Because they seem to believe that blacks, asians, hispanics, etc, are incapable of succeeding if the game isn't rigged.

Posted by: Paul at August 17, 2004 12:44 PM