Broken Masterpieces

August 31, 2004

Showing Media Bias Towards Kerry

Tip to PowerLine.

TCS: Tech Central Station - A Media Meltdown?

An amazing article that brings all the media bias together related to John Kerry.

Posted by Tim at August 31, 2004 06:32 AM

Came upon this quote today by one of those biased media jerks:

"If they question Kerry's medals...they question everybody's medals. All those men who found it so hard to come home, who found so little gratitude for their sacrifices when they got here, are going to feel mistreated again. The families of the people whose names are on the monument in Washington will feel wronged, too. The painful wounds we all worked so hard to close will all be reopened.

"We've got to get that garbage off the air as soon as we can."

Oops, sorry. That was Senator John McCain yesterday.

Oh, let's hear it one more time from Senator McCain, one of the best, most decent Republicans of our time (a fact that even hacks like Glenn Reynolds wouldn't have the guts to deny):

"If they question Kerry's medals...they question everybody's medals....We've got to get that garbage off the air as soon as we can."

Posted by: Tom at August 31, 2004 07:43 PM

John McCain has a right to his opinions but he's not a journalist. There is no getting around that the mainstream press favors Kerry and has only reluctently gotten into the Swift Boats deal. IMO, the first Swift Boat add was not very good and based on "he said, he said". The second one was and is devastating. BTW, why can't the Swift Vets speak out?

Posted by: trogers at August 31, 2004 08:13 PM