Broken Masterpieces

September 04, 2004


Tip to PowerLineBlog


Or a nearly universal one. Those Muslims who preach Jihad against the West decided years ago that killing Jewish or Christian children is not only acceptable, but pleasing to their god when done by "martyrs."
It isn't politically correct to say this, of course. We're supposed to pretend that Islam is a "religion of peace." All right, then: It's time for Muslims to stand up for the once-noble, nearly lost traditions of their faith and condemn what Arab and Chechen terrorists and blasphemers did in the Russian town of Beslan.
If Muslim religious leaders around the world will not publicly condemn the taking of children as hostages and their subsequent slaughter -- if those "men of faith" will not issue a condemnation without reservations or caveats -- then no one need pretend any longer that all religions are equally sound and moral.

Now is not the time to let up in the war against Islamic terrorists. They violate any and all civilized practices. If they don't get their way they kill innocents, pure and simple.

Posted by Tim at September 4, 2004 08:42 AM

I gotta tell you that I think this New York Post columnist has more than a couple screws loose.

Why should the Muslim guy that lives next door to me need to condemn the Chechnyan slaughter? Am I supposed to somehow infer that because he's Muslim that maybe he'd want to slit the throat of my son or daughter?

One of my best buddies was a Marine. Should I maybe ask him to condemn the soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison that tortured Iraqi prisoners, blackening the US's honor in the world?

Maybe I should ask the basketball coach at the local university to condemn Kobe Bryant for the alleged rape and certain adultery committed?

Maybe our wives should ask us husbands to condemn Scott Peterson's alleged murder of his wife and HIS adultery?

Gee, maybe I'll ask the editor of this blog to condemn another blog editor who posted some scurrilous, maybe slanderous speech on the other side of the internet.

I think when this New York Post columnist was a kid he always failed in those connect-the-dots pictures in school.

Posted by: Tom at September 4, 2004 03:12 PM

There's lost of screws loose. I'm not worried about my Muslim neighbor, I'm waiting for the Arab League to chime in, too.

They are quick to condemn Israel. Shouldn't we expect them to condemn the terrorism in Chechen? Well, there's an old saying "Silence means approval. It's time to wake up.

Posted by: Michael Gallaugher at September 4, 2004 05:13 PM

A Time will come when the innocent Muslim masses will be lumped in with the enemy, simply because it is almost immpossible to distinguish between individual Muslim's who are innocent and those who would kill us. This is a sad state of affairs, but unfortunatly a situation imposed on innocent Muslim's by their radical brothers and sisters. Therefore it is in their interest to fight radical islam, or face increasing discrimination from westerners.

Posted by: J. Gelman at September 4, 2004 09:06 PM

Headline Washington Post: "Putin's Silence on Crisis Underscores Chilling Trend"

Hey guys, sounds like Putin's been quiet on the Chechnya too. Maybe he too is one of those Muslims too that we should be worried about snatching and killing our children.

Encyclopedia Britannica on "Chechnya":
"...Fiercely independent, the Chechen and other Caucasian tribes mounted a prolonged resistance to Russian conquest from the 1830s through the 1850s...The constant skirmishes of Chechen and Russians along the Terek [river] form the background to Leo Tolstoy's novel 'The Cossacks'..."

Sounds like Chechens and Russians have been fighting a long, long time. But maybe you guys can warn Presidents Millard Fillmore and Martin Van Buren about the Muslim threat against their children.

Wait...thinking with your logic...I checked and can't seem to find that Presidents Fillmore and Van Buren OR Leo Tolstoy condemned these 19th century Chechen attacks against the Russians. Sounds like they're all in on the Muslim threat against us. (But then Tolstoy was one of the first of the biased liberal media!)

Posted by: Tom at September 4, 2004 10:26 PM

The huge problem right now is the Islamic terrorists. A long time ago someone named Adolf Hitler started hijacking churches for Nazis. Few Christians in Germany spoke up. This is the same thing. Prominent Muslims in the world need to speak out to help stop the hijacking of Islam.

Posted by: trogers at September 5, 2004 09:06 PM