Broken Masterpieces

September 29, 2004

First Presidential Debate - My Pre-Debate Thoughts

First, I can't wait for this first debate so the the silly low-expectations game will end. Of course, the Democrats have said that Bush is such a moron then say he's a good debater. Let's be honest, in the Bush-Gore debates I don't really thing Bush won but Gore totally lost. He came off as a total freak. What Kerry needs to do is not repeat Al Gore. He should just be himself, warts and all. Americans can tell a fake and if Kerry tries to be someone he's not it won't matter if he gets in some zingers or has a clear plan for Iraq (yeah right!). I'm also sure the makeup artists will take the orange luster off of Senator Kerry.

Bush needs to not try and impress us with his liguistic skills (because he won't). If he responds the same way he did on the O'Reilly interviews then he'll be fine. I just wish he could have Tony Blair explain Iraq instead of him. He does need to go after Kerry for his Iraq inconsistencies but really needs to call him on the carpet for feeding the draft scare frenzy. Bush needs to put the blame where it belongs for the draft scare and that's to the Democrats. The started the fire and are now fanning the flames, then blaming Bush.

The debates mean the election is getting closer and I must admit that I'm super tired of this horribly long election cycle. Just think, on November 3 there will be folks starting all over again.

UPDATE: Bush better not say "homeboy". I also hope he doesn't say "flip-flop".

Posted by Tim at September 29, 2004 09:23 PM

I don't know if Gore lost the debates as much as the often-times hapless Dem Party lost the post debate spin. I too hope there will not be stupid, cute "zingers" by either side. (The last good zinger that wasn't really a zinger was Reagan's "There you go again...") But for better or worse, Tim, I do think the post-debate spin will be important, and your team will need your blogging. ("Now stepping into the on-deck circle for the Bushies is 'Broken Masterpieces'" :-) ) We liberals will be hunkering down over at Atrios's, Matt Yglesias's, and Josh Marshall's blogs, crossing our fingers for some President Bush errors. Oh and please Senator Kerry, don't talk to us like we're two-year olds.

Posted by: Tom at September 30, 2004 05:05 AM