Broken Masterpieces

November 08, 2004

Oblermann - Not Over Yet?


This is mentioned because there is a small but blood-curdling set of news stories that right now exists somewhere between the world of investigative journalism, and the world of the Reynolds Wrap Hat. And while the group’s ultimate home remains unclear - so might our election of just a week ago.

There's hope for the secessionists yet.

The only reason I differentiate between the blogs and the newspapers is that in the latter, a certain bar of ascertainable, reasonably neutral, fact has to be passed, and has to be approved by a consensus of reporters and editors. The process isn’t flawless (ask Dan Rather) but the next time you read a blog where bald-faced lies are accepted as fact, ask yourself whether we here in cyberspace have yet achieved the reliability of even the mainstream media.

Reliability of the MSM? Only that they are reliable pimps for Democratic candidates and policies.

Posted by Tim at November 8, 2004 07:56 AM

A post on Instapundit called the MSM the "legacy media" Do you like that term, for something that used to be important, but we still have around because it costs too much to replace it?

Posted by: Douglas at November 10, 2004 10:45 PM

"legacy media" - I can get used to that

Posted by: trogers at November 10, 2004 10:59 PM