Broken Masterpieces

November 10, 2004

Bush Reviving Bad Immigration Reform?

Tip to Drudge.

The Washington Times is reporting that the Bush Administration is working on immigration reform again. I've not had time to analyze the article but understand the need to revise current immigration laws. My two main principles in regards to these reforms are making sure terrorists are not entering the country and that illegal behavior is not rewarded. I'll expand further later.

Posted by Tim at November 10, 2004 06:38 AM

Move the White House to Mira Mesa and the living quarters to San Marcos. Make them commute at 7am and 5pm. Then they'd get the point.

I hope Bush plans on getting something out of all this (other than impeachment). How about some of that Mexican oil?

Posted by: Glenn at November 10, 2004 02:01 PM