Broken Masterpieces

November 16, 2004

In Praise of John O'Neill

Tip to PowerLine

Kerry critic displays courage under fire

Nat Hentoff digs a bit deaper on John O'Neill of the Swift Vets and finds that Mr. O'Neill conducted himself with dignity in the face of the MSM wanting to discredit him. Contrary to popular MSM belief Mr. O'Neill was not a Bush flack.

A few other reporters have taken the time to find out more about the so-called Bush operative John O'Neill. In both the Aug. 28 New York Times and Los Angeles Times, a careful reader would have discovered that O'Neill voted for Democrats Hubert Humphrey and, years later, Al Gore for president. And his favorite presidential candidate this year was John Edwards. Also, O'Neill has described George W. Bush as an ''empty suit.''

Posted by Tim at November 16, 2004 07:26 AM

I remember O'neill's debate with Kerry on the Dick Cavett show many years ago now. He was resolute and calm under the gun then and he has remained so from that time on.

I doubt that John Kerry will ever sign the release for his records.

But there is a record kept that John Kerry will not be his to power to release some day. He'll have to answer to a power higher than the MSM

Posted by: Phil Dillon at November 16, 2004 09:41 AM