Broken Masterpieces

December 05, 2004

A Key Element For Fixing The Steroid Issue

Dodger Thoughts: The Evolving Dodger Thoughts Stance on Steroids - Day 5

From someone calling himself MikeJ, commenting on the blog Dodger Thoughts:

I think that the athletes will always be one step ahead of the testers in what steroids they use. As soon as a steroid gets banned, they move on to the next undetectable designer drug of the week.

To combat this, baseball should have an "allowed" list instead of a "banned" list. If you want to take a new supplement, get it approved by MLB and the Players Association. This way, you'll never hear the "I didn't know it was illegal" excuse any more.

That's a great dose of common sense. It does seem that will be a bit hard to do. How far does it go? Does this include cough medicine? Despite some issues, this sounds like a smart part that needs to be done.

Posted by Tim at December 5, 2004 09:13 AM

The problem with that point of view is that baseball has already tried it. Mark Mcguire was taking an approved substance when he broke Maris's record. In any field of endeavor one will always try to outdo another to gain an advantage. It's just human nature.

Posted by: Phil Dillon at December 5, 2004 06:44 PM