Broken Masterpieces

January 31, 2005

Rush Warns Bush On Spending and Immigration

OpinionJournal - John Fund on the Trail

On Friday Rush Limbaugh, a staunch Bush supporter, took two separate opportunities to warn the president that he faced conservative opposition on some key issues that could hurt his chances of passing the rest of his second-term agenda. First was federal spending, which "is surging out of control," according to the Heritage Foundation's new "Mandate for Leadership." The other was immigration, which, Mr. Limbaugh told his listeners, "could break up the Republican-conservative coalition" à la Ross Perot. "We cannot maintain our sovereignty without securing and protecting our borders in an era where terrorists around the world seek entry to this country," he said.

Rush is right! Both of these issues need to be handled correctly and not in a manner where the left can demonize the issue. I think Bush is trying to not look like Newt or Pete Wilson on these issues. Immigration and spending are huge issues and Bush needs to find a way to deal with them.

In terms of immigration there needs to be a way to handle the following details; easy access to our country by terrorists, not rewarding law-breakers and making sure people who want to work can legally be allowed to come in and work.

Posted by Tim at January 31, 2005 06:31 AM