Broken Masterpieces

February 07, 2005

Colson - Another Political Burnout

BreakPoint | PEAD

The first was that I was listening to endless, banal chatter. I began to realize that people were making up issues just to have something to talk about. On dull news days, commentary turned into performance art, manufacturing controversy to continue talk-show conversation before boisterous audiences.
The second revelation is that, whether it was left or right, the whole thing was driven by ideology. In our relativistic age when we can’t come to an agreement on the common good, we line up behind manmade utopian ideologies. One scheme is on the left; one is on the right. Both are fatally flawed.

Make sure to read the rest but, like Colson, I'm tired of hearing the same chatter back and forth. It is more about power than changing lives.

Posted by Tim at February 7, 2005 06:08 AM

I especially loved his line, "Truth is dead and only power remains." Sounds like a 60's leftwing radical sucking on a bong and writing his manifesto. The funny thing is that the stoned 60's radical and Colson probably both thought they were profound.

Posted by: Tom at February 7, 2005 07:28 PM