Broken Masterpieces

April 04, 2005

An End To My Slothfulness

Today (4/4/05) marks a dawning of a new era in my life. Today is the day I begin implementing the last 3 items on this list. Again further inspiration from

This is my first day at work in years where I'm not wearing jeans and it's not a special occasion. For diet and exercise I'd tried jogging but my legs cannot take it yet. Instead I'm going low carb and walking one half hour in the morning. The best part about low carb diets is I actually feel full and it means I cannot cheat by grabbing left over Easter candy. My beginning weight is 216 with the goal of getting down to 170. Feel free to keep me accountabole.

Posted by Tim at April 4, 2005 08:38 AM

It's an amazing book! Good luck. I'll be checking back on your progress.


Posted by: Clay Calhoun at April 5, 2005 01:19 AM

I've been thinking of doing something similar, so good luck with your efforts!

Posted by: Gerry at April 6, 2005 11:42 AM

Go for it!

Posted by: sue at April 6, 2005 09:29 PM


Congrats on the change! Please keep us posted, as it will inspire me to do the same. I won't be going low-carb, but trying to trim down all the same.

Also, I'm just now catching up on your blog - for some reason, your feeds don't show up as new feeds in Bloglines. Not sure what is going on there. Just FYI - not assuming you can fix anything about it.

Posted by: LTW at April 26, 2005 02:59 PM