Broken Masterpieces

July 10, 2005

What Is It About "End Times"

Today we went to a different church a little closer to our home to check out the youth group for our kids. We'd like them to find a group where they've got kids that go to the same school. So we went to our normal church last night and went to the other service this morning. Today, the main pastor was out so they had a guest who was brought in to talk about the evils of "replacement theology" (the belief that the Church has replaced Israel as the apple of God's eye). So the sermon starts and things get a bit crazy pretty quick. By the end of the sermon I saw President Bush slandered, America of today being equated with pre-WW2 Nazi Germany and people who hold to "replacement theology" as being under threat of judgement for not believing Israel is in God's future.

Let me say first, I am not a "replacement theology" believer. I'm a strong defender of Israel and believe God isn't through with her at all. That being said, can't there be honest disagreement on an issue that has ZERO affect on anyone's salvation or how we live our daily lives. This is an issue that has a ton of different slants and, in all honesty, I'm not willing to go to war over a point of view that is very divided among many Christians.

Bottom line, I was sickened by what I heard and by the applause throughout the service. It was a service that I would not want to bring a non-Christian to so they could get to know Christ. There was some truth thoughout the service but the emphasis on things that have ZERO effect on our lives, in terms of our relationship with Christ. This stuff should not come from the pulpit as it is based on much speculation and some twisting of Scripture to make it fit a certain point of view.

Why is it that some pastors must always diverge into end-times stuff in each sermon. Why can't they focus on the topic at hand and quit trying to tickle our ears? Quit going after my fears and try and touch my heart. Try and inspire folks to do good works, not walk out all pissed off at other Christians because they don't hold the same point of view on a topic that is not a major issue, but is difficult, controversial and not possible to be completely right about. I think God wants so much more from us like making sure we are loving towards our neighbors, giving, doing the right thing and most of all, seeking Christ constantly. In Matthew 24 and 25 Christ doesn't talk about being judged by our view of Israel but how we deal with Him and others. Why has a certain part of the Christian Ghetto decided to draw the dividing line on how we deal with end-times issues? My heart was broken today by what I heard.

FURTHER THOUGHTS: I do want to make it clear that I do support Israel in every way. I believe that they have a right to exist and that President Bush is wrong to deal in the land-for-peace arena. It hasn't worked yet and I'm not comfortable in it working this time. Does that mean I can now question the faith of President Bush? Of course not, but I do disagree with him. At the same time, my support of Israel does not mean the plight of the Palestinians can be denied. God lives them as much He loves the people of Israel or Christians. When it comes to who He wants to save I really don't think He excludes certain people.

The label I heard thrown around today a lot was "anti-semitic" and that's a big and scary word. The implication being that people who supported certain policies went against the Christian Ghetto view then they were being anti-semitic. Our words are dangerous (see James 3) and a preacher from the pulpit has great responsibility to measure what they say. Heck, I have to measure what I say. I plan on sending letters to the appropriate people (that's why no names were used) to voice my concerns.

Posted by Tim at July 10, 2005 09:21 PM

Dear Tim,

It was a relief to read for once a pro-israel Christian who is able to see that some pro-israelis really go over the edge. I'm adamant about the rights of Israel to exist myself, but I've taken a lot of heat when I write articles in the newspapers critisizing the current Israeli government.

Leif (Norway)

Posted by: Leif at July 19, 2005 02:33 AM