Broken Masterpieces

January 04, 2006

Reading Scripture While Trying To Forget What You Already Have Learned

A few years ago I made a consious decision to try to read the Bible without leaning on some of the things I've learned in the past, especially when it comes to eschatology (the study of end-times). In my Bible study I attend we've been studying Micah. The last 2 weeks we've studied Micah 4 and I've found it very hard to understand prophecy beyond the deliverance from Babylonian captivity. If you have a certain view of eschatology then you'll take one path versus another. I'm pretty sure that Micah 4 has some type of eschatological effect but I am not sure what it is. I'll try and keep digging.

Another thought but not quite related:

I believe that the Left Behind theology has invaded the American churches too much, even though I still hold that same view. There is now an over-emphasis on the study of eschatology and I guess I've rebeled a bit and have really put it on the back burner. There are enough items for me to study and really get my arms around than something in the future. The eschatology studies are interesting and it tickles the ears but there is just too much emphasis on it. In some churches every sermon will touch on the end-times. That's not a balanced view of Scripture. Teach it all and keep focused on the Scripture at hand. If the Scripture points to future prophecy then it needs to be followed but not every passage deals with end-times.

Posted by Tim at January 4, 2006 06:50 AM