Broken Masterpieces

August 05, 2006

Condi Tells Battered Women to Stay Home With Their Abusive Husbands - Rice urges Cubans to stay put - Aug 4, 2006

"We encourage the people of Cuba to work at home for positive change," Rice said, signaling that the United States would not favor a mass exodus of the kind that Cubans undertook in 1980 and 1994.

I infrequently find myself at odds with our Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, but telling people to stay in Cuba and wait it out is like telling a battered woman to stay at home with their abusive husbands; "Don't worry ma'am, the counseling will kick in some day. Just stay at home and keep getting the crap kicked out of you because you might inconvenience someone else."

I've really hated the policy that the Clinton Administration started (and Bush has continued) that has done all they can to keep Cubans from reaching the Florida beaches. We used to help them now we grab them and send them back to hell. NICE!

Posted by Tim at August 5, 2006 08:11 AM