Broken Masterpieces

June 29, 2007

Another Thin Jesus - The Progressive Jesus

Continuing the theme of discovering more "Thin Jesus's" (check out the No Thin Jesus series) we are going to take a look at the Progressive Jesus. Now, let's first be up front and recognize that the Progressive Jesus is really the Liberal Jesus but Progressive isn't as alarming.

The Progressive Jesus seems to care only about social justice. The idea of salvation is a secondary concern and living a holy life isn't as important as being edgy. The Progressive Jesus mocks people who wear suits to church or only listen to Christian music. He doesn't seem to care about marriage too much and isn't concerned about abortion. In fact, He won't support restrictions on abortion unless folks on the other side stop supporting the death penalty.

The Progressive Jesus really loves people that only go against the grain when a Republican is President. Those are the true patriots because they disagree. He is sending George W. Bush to hell because he hates the poor and is a warmonger. Pulling the American troops out of Iraq is a top priority for the Progressive Jesus; it doesn't matter that the country will be a total mess and murders will be even more frequent without anyone else watching. All that matters is that the evil Americans are out of Iraq.

The Progressive Jesus believes that raising awareness of issues will solve the worlds problems and will cause brutal dictators to become peaceful. All we need to do is call our leaders, put a banner on our web site and have a rock concert. Not only will peace come but the environment will be cleaned up. No real work is really required. It is best that multi-millionare entertainers try and raise funds instead of giving the money away themselves. The Progressive Jesus really can't live without their wisdom. It is really too bad that rock 'n roll and the internet weren't around in the 1930's and 40's because World War II would have never occurred.

Other heroes of the Progressive Jesus are living and dead communists and anyone who takes the side of the Palestinians. For the Progressive Jesus the only thing as bad as America is Israel. Things such as supporting the country you live in is below the standards of the Progressive Jesus. People need to have a view of the complete world as there really aren't good or bad countries as only conservatives are evil. Heck, the Progressive Jesus loves Castro more than Bush because Fidel provides great health care in Cuba.

So we've covered the Republican Jesus and now the Progressive Jesus as we are in search for the real Jesus. He's out there somewhere but I'm not sure where to look next. I know that there are complete religions based on differing views of the "Thin Jesus". I just wonder what box Jesus fits in.....

Posted by Tim at June 29, 2007 12:43 AM