Broken Masterpieces

January 03, 2008

Huckabee Wins Iowa

It is always a big mistake to count out the conservative evangelical vote. In Iowa Huckabee has the most consistent pro-life stance and wore his faith on his sleeve and won. 60% of Republican voters were Evangelical Christians and they were a true difference maker. I honestly don't thing Bible-belt Christians will embrace Romney (a Mormon) if there is a fellow Bible-belt Christian on the ballot. Personally, I think this is a very stupid way to vote. I just heard David Gergan on CNN mention Romney's Mormonism as a problem and he's right. I've been warming up to Romney a bit and his faith is not a factor. Of all the candidates for the Republican nomination I am the least likely to vote for Huckabee as I really don't think he's a very good candidate. First of all, he can't win in the Fall. Second of all, if he were to be President he becomes a guy who is not ready to handle the whole global war on terrorism (GWOT).

Despite some disagreements I'm starting to really think that John McCain has the best possiblity of winning in the Fall. If Romney continues to struggle in Bible-belt then he can't win in the Fall which will send my support to McCain. No matter what, I will back the nominee and will not hold my nose. ANY of the Republican candidates are better than Hillary, Obama or Edwards. I'm not going to spend too much time trashing other Republican candidates. What I'd like to see is that the primary voters will vote based on the qualifications for president, not for who they'd want as their pastor. This is a tall order.

Posted by Tim at January 3, 2008 06:24 PM | TrackBack

Well said.

Posted by: Francis at January 3, 2008 10:25 PM
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