Broken Masterpieces

March 26, 2008

Clinton English: 'misspoke' == 'lied'

Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire -

Sen. Hillary Clinton said she "misspoke" last week when she gave a dramatic description of her arrival in Bosnia 12 years ago, recounting a landing under sniper fire.

The word she's looking for is 'lied'. Hillary Clinton will do or say anything to be president. She's 'misspoke' many times about this incident so that sounds more like a lie. What is that big foreign policy experience?

Posted by Tim at March 26, 2008 05:45 AM | TrackBack

This is not the first time, Hillary "mispoke"/lied. She claimed to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary. She later corrected this lie, see: There are probably others. Any other examples?

Posted by: JJ McDonough at March 26, 2008 06:45 AM

This is not the first time, Hillary "mispoke"/lied. She claimed to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary. She later corrected this lie, see: There are probably others. Any other examples?

Posted by: JJ McDonough at March 26, 2008 06:45 AM

Is she going to have a mis-spoke issue "when the phone rings at 3am"? What was that about being sleep deprived? Thought she wanted the country to know that at 3am she was going to be up to the task no matter what???

Posted by: NLD Jr. at March 26, 2008 07:13 AM

Senator Clinton is making a big deal about her foreign policy experience, and that it better qualifies her to be ready to be the President on day one. Yet, she cannot remember exactly what happened on these foreign policy trips! Is this the type of “experience” we want leading this Nation? What other “misstatements” during her campaign haven’t we found out about yet – other than the fact that she says she was always against NAFTA, but her recently released White House papers state that she led several meetings in support of NAFTA.

Senator Clinton will say anything to get elected, pandering to the voters of the next state to vote in a primary. If she wants to have Michigan and Florida revote, then Ohio needs to revote also, with the knowledge that Senator Clinton lied to them about her NAFTA stance.

S. Dogood.

Posted by: S.Dogood at March 26, 2008 07:49 AM

I see Hillary Clinton explained her misspeak by saying that she spoke "millions" of words a day.

This reminds me of the old I've told you millions of times never to exaggerate joke.

There are 86,000 seconds in a 24 hour day.

If Hillary spoke non-stop for 24 hours she would have to utter more than eleven words per second to even approach her first "million words"

Are gross exaggerations acceptable as excuses for gross exaggerations?


Posted by: Art Mock at March 26, 2008 09:17 AM

Very funny...Bill did not train her well to what she should mention regarding her foreign policy. Being in the Bosnian Army at the time in Tuzla, there is no way there was any threat of sniper fire at the airport. In the picture, you see Ejup Ganic who was in the Bosnian Goverment. He would never be put in harms way, neither would Chelsea or hillary. What husband would send his family out to get shot. Tuzla was the safest bosnian army stronghold. Occassionaly few howitzes could reach the city. Do you think americans would built the base along sniper alley. I was in the army on the front lines along the city. Sniper could not reach the base from Serbian territory or the front lines. Its impossible! Plus durin operation storm which Croatians initiated to wipe their country from serbian scum, Bosnian serbs were losing the war and pulling back into north east Bosnia, packing their bags for Serbia. The last thing serbs would do is shoot at the aiport or use their snipers at the time of their packing. But Clintons are at fault for threatening our president to sign the peace and basically stop defending ourself because we are muslims and we were winning the war and our terittory. But for the past 4 years 1992-1996, nothing was done. Please post this

Posted by: ks at March 26, 2008 09:58 AM

Wow, "I mis-spoke"!!!!. OK Hillary, you and the media beat the hell out of Pastor Wright, but the primary question I have is, when people are speaking of their Ministers, Rabbis, Priests or spiritual leaders, did anyone remember when David Duke (Grand Wizard of the KKK) ran for President? Also, How familiar are we with Senator Trent Lott (R-Mississippi) (Klansmen); Senator Robert Byrd (R-West Virginia) (Klansmen); Senator Strom Thurmond (R-South Carolina) (Klansmen); Jessie Helms (R-North Carolina) (Klansmen) ? Oh yeah, Bill Clinton (as per Ms. Toni Morrison "our first black president"), not on his birth certificate!!!! Chelseas' remark to the "Question posed upon her about her fathers' affair". I viewed that as a diversion for her mother so she would not have to discuss "mis-speaking", that way if Chelsea answered the question, the way she felt she should, then the attention would be placed on Chelsea instead of Hillary.

Posted by: RCSQSS at March 26, 2008 05:55 PM

And"mispoke" on three separate occasions about the sniper fire (as reported by CNN). How do you "misspeak" three times on the same topic? Either she's a liar or she's stupid...and for my money she's both!

Posted by: Gregory at March 26, 2008 10:12 PM

I wonder what Chelsea really thinks about her parents and herself. She must be bombarded with many questions in her head! Why would her parents place her, their only child, in harms way for no good reason? Why Chelsea's memory about the events that occured in Bosnia so different from her mother's account of what happened? Is Mum lieing to the voters to get elected? Is that a right thing to do? Is it proper to lie and then brush it off as she does as if it not matter when I, Hillary Clinton, lie? How would Mum and Dad feel if I lie to them and then behave as they do? Will I be able to lie as smoothly as they do? Should I trust Mum or Dad again about anything? How can I trust them? Or, should I learn to lie like them because they have been successful - so far?

Posted by: NorthCarolinian at March 27, 2008 03:51 AM
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